museum-digitalnew york

Sándor Bortnyik (1893-1976)

"Sándor Bortnyik (July 3, 1893 – December 31, 1976) was a Hungarian painter and graphic designer. His work was greatly influenced by Cubism, Expressionism and Constructivism." - ( 11.08.2021)

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Sándor Bortnyik: untitled (sketch for “Three Figures”)Sándor Bortnyik: untitledSándor Bortnyik: No. IV (“Vous 222”) (reprint from original 1921 Bortnyik Album)Sándor Bortnyik: No. III, (reprint from original 1921 Bortnyik Album)Sándor Bortnyik: untitled (known as “Woman Cutting Bread”)Sándor Bortnyik: untitled (known as “Bathers”)
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